Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Alternate Views on Tibet China

It is hard to find anything in support of China these days. Watching the TV one would easily conclude that it must have gone from the Sick Man of Asia to the Bad Boy of the World.

But are there alternative views on the matter of Tibet ? Plenty on China Daily online, but most people would simply disregard them out of hand.

Lately there are some articles from more respectable sources out of Europe and the USA. Such as

Whitbeck's "Hypocrisy over Tibet"


Chossudovsky "Tibet Human Rights PsyOp"


A collection of such articles can be found at


Red Flag waving Chinese alarmed Bob Brown

Green leader Bob Brown commented critically on the large number of Chinese Olympic supporters and the sea of red Chinese flags, associating them with Beijing’s Communism. Perhaps Bob Brown should be reminded that many people love their country and are proud to be hosts to the Olympics without necessarily endorsing the politics of their leaders. Certainly, many Australians who waved the Aussie flag and supported the Sydney Olympics were, like Brown himself, much against the politics of the then Prime Minister John Howard.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Tibet and the Olympics

Over the past weeks the mass media have reported extensively about the protests that were disrupting the Olympic Torch relay in Paris, London and San Francisco. The reports were overwhelming sympathetic to the Tibetan dissidents' cause. Unfortunately there have been little if any analysis of the facts surrounding the issue. (for an alternate view, see Stockwell's http://members.tripod.com/~journeyeast/myth_and_reality.html )

On Sunday 14 Apr 2008 thousands demonstrated in Sydney in protest against the media and in support of Tibet as an integral part of China. Perhaps confirming the claim of bias, the Sydney Morning Herald did not report the event, while the Australian Chinese Daily devoted an entire front page to it. Instead, the SMH had a lengthy article on the blog anger, an event largely ignored previously, perhaps only attracted to it after Singapare PM Lee Hsien Loong's recent speech on the subject. (http://www.straitstimes.com/STI/STIMEDIA/pdf/20080411/PMLEESPEECH.pdf)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Multiculturalism Anyone?

Former Labor leader Mark Latham commented in his regular column in the Australian Financial Review recently that racism was behind the objections to the building of a mosque in Camden in western Sydney.

A reader commented quite curtly and perhaps cryptically (8 Apr 2008) -

Not an original comment and certainly not a constructive one. If so, what is the next step? As Kay rightly put it, (9 April 2008)

Perhaps Layton is one of those who does not want it to work.