Saturday, September 30, 2006

Death Sentence in North Queensland

Anyone who thinks the death sentence only takes place in "barbaric" countries should read Alan Ramsey's article today in the Sydney Morning Herald on the case of the death of Mulruni, an aboriginal man, while in police custody (

It seems that the police officer was witness, accuser, judge and executioner all in one. Very efficient justice system which many "barbaric" countries would envy !

Still on the subject of Aussie values ....

Kay's letter, recently published in the Sydney Morning Herald (4 Sep 2006) :

Friday, September 29, 2006

Courage and Passion

I feel odd that I should begin this blog with a mention about a National Party member of NSW State Parliament for I had always thought that National Party members were just different shades of Pauline Hanson who would go away if ignored.

Today I read about Adrian Piccoli, Member for Murrumbidgee and Shadow Minister for Natural Resources, who had the courage to tell the world including John Howard that the current push for "Australian values" stirs racism. (

Then I googled him and found another gem - a letter he wrote to a local paper on how he changed his traditional view of gays after he attended a funeral of a gay person. (

What impressed me was the courage and passion he had in expressing those views.

I hope Kim Beazley will find courage and passion just like Adrian Piccoli the next time he stands up against John Howard.